Certainly, there was no physical defect. 诚然,孩子身上没有生理缺陷。
The Insured Person suffering from any pre-existing physical defect or infirmity which existed prior to inception of this policy. 被保险人因本身存在的缺陷或病症,而此缺陷或病症在保单有效前已存在。
A mental or physical impairment; a defect. 缺陷脑力或体力上的弱点;
However, we should not blame those who cannot speak well because of a physical defect such as a natural lisp, stutter or dyslexia. 不过,因身体缺陷如天生口齿不清、结巴、诵读困难等而不能讲好英语者,我们不应当责怪。
Once upon a time, there was a blind man, who was worried and depressed for his physical defect when he was a child. 从前有个盲人,当他还是个小孩子的时候他忧虑消沉于他的身体缺陷。
Because of his physical defect, he can not go to school. 他由于有生理缺陷,不能上学。
Not only the health does not have the physical defect and sickness, moreover must have the consummation physiology, the psychology and social adaptation ability. 健康不但是没有身体缺陷和病患,而且要有完善的生理、心理状态和社会适应能力。
Suffers a mental or physical defect as quoted and/ or is NOT in good health. 患有精神或身体缺陷,已在上述说明,和/或健康不佳。
So this disquisition designs an outer ultra high frequency ( UHF) sensor and a pre-positive filter amplifier utilized to monitor the PD signal in GIS, and a plenty of PD data are sampled with artificial physical models of PD defect in laboratory. 为此,本文主要研究用于GIS局部放电在线监测的超高频外置传感器和前置滤波放大器,并用研制的模拟GIS内部缺陷的人工物理模型在实验室里获取大量不同缺陷下产生的PD信号数据;
This paper analysed physical characters for locomotive axle cracking, built grey nonlinear mode and defect reflection function for the relation between attenuation and deep of the locomotive axle crackle with basic mathematical hypothesis. 本文在对机车车轴裂损情况进行分析的基础上,对其规律通过教学的基本假定利用灰色数学方法,找出裂纹衰减变化的数学规律,并建立起裂纹衰减与裂纹深度关系的缺陷反射数学模型。
In this paper, we produce Kondo vector defined by Kondo circuit. From the view-point of the field, the field of metric defect may be replaced by Kondo vector field. Weyl space-representation coincides with physical reality of metric defect, but it is not isometric. 本文导出了用Kondo回路定义的Kondo矢量从场的观点看,就是用Kondo矢量场代替了度量缺陷场,Wey1空间表象与度量缺陷的物理内容相符,但它不是保距的,由(?)
Mathematical model is established and studied for partial discharge ( PD) in Gas Insulated Switchgear ( GIS) using ultra-high frequency ( UHF) method, which is based on physical model of metallic outshoot insulation defect and UHF inner-loop sensor. 在已设计的高压导体金属突出物缺陷物理模型的基础上,针对GIS局部放电超高频内置传感器检测的该缺陷产生的局放信号波形,采用数据拟合方法建立了用于仿真研究的数学模型。
It shows that the physical limit of focused transducer with circular focus causes the energy variation of reflected wave near the defect boundary. The energy distribution results in the blur of edge in C-scan image. 结果表明,由于聚焦探头焦点直径的存在,使得结合界面中缺陷边缘两侧反射声波能量发生变化,从而引起了超声C扫描图像中缺陷边缘的模糊现象。
The sheet metal is in great demand in modern industry. In addition to physical and chemical performance, the main quality criteria are geometrical dimension and shape precision, such as, sheet metal's thickness difference, thickness uniformity, smooth level and surface defect, etc. 金属薄板在现代工业中的需求不断增长,其质量标准除物理和化学性能外,主要是几何尺寸和形状精度,即板的厚度差、板厚均匀性、板的平整性及表面缺陷等。
Analysis and comment on theoretical mechanics, the relations between thermal physical properties and structure, phase transition, component, and defect, and measurement of thermal physical properties, are included. 对热物性理论机理,热物性与结构、相变、组分、缺陷之间的关系以及热物性测试等几个方面进行了分析和评述。
The deaf students in colleges and universities, due to physical defect ( auditory handicap), lead to psychological abnormality and form the negative mental characteristics of individual such as blindness, fragility, inferiority, anxiety and so on. 高校中的聋生由于生理缺陷(听觉障碍)导致其心理异常,形成诸如盲目、脆弱、自卑、焦虑等消极的个性心理特征。
For the reusability of auto panel dies with local physical defects or fatigue wear, a technique scheme combining defect feature extraction and finite element analysis is proposed to realize the rapid digital repair of auto panel dies. 针对存在局部物理缺陷或疲劳磨损的汽车车身冲压模具的可重用性,提出了缺陷特征提取和有限元分析耦合技术方案,实现了模具的数字化快速修复。
It is found that various defects dramatically impact the energy band structure and electrical conductivity. The physical origin is that the defect destroys the symmetry of the geometric structure. 研究发现,各种缺陷效应对其能带结构和导电性能均产生重大的影响,其原因在于缺陷的存在破坏了石墨烯纳米带几何结构的对称性。
The fifth part is the conclusion and suggestion: it makes a conclusion and offers a proposal for physical education administrator, teachers, and students in the future according to the defect. 结论与建议。得出结论,针对不足对体育教育管理者、学校教育工作者和学生提出各阶层今后应调控、优化的建议。
School physical and physical teaching have substituted the physical course in a lot of cases, therefore, we can say safely it is a defect in the field of school physical research. 在很多情况下学校体育和体育教学替代了体育课程,这不能不说是学校体育领域研究的缺陷。
Since mostly traditional leaf spring is the multi-leaf spring, the fact is that such physical design is unreasonable, the defect on the different applications was created, in case: waste of the stuff and adding complete auto weight and lifting fuel uses up. 传统钢板弹簧多为多片钢板弹簧,由于其结构设计不合理,造成了各种应用上的缺点,如:浪费材料、增加了整车重量、提高了燃料消耗。
In order to validate the design plan, physical prototype is often manufactured after the design is finished in traditional design methods of crane. If defect is found, the design will be modified and the plan should be validated again with new physical prototype. 传统的起重机设计,在完成功能设计后,为了验证方案,通常要制造物理样机进行试验,当通过试验发现缺陷时,重新回头修改设计并再用样机验证。